有誰可以回答😥 我是2014年4月持免簽入美與綠卡配偶結婚後逾期居留又在美生子到現在我身份黑掉了,我想問如何在境內調整身份?現在回台灣的話會有什麼問題?😕?
2016-01-20 00:59:02 UTC
一 回答:
2016-01-20 04:07:12 UTC
1. There is no way you can do it, by 2 reasons:

a. It is the U.S. policy not to adjust/change/extend the status if a person has entered the U.S. visa-free.

In other word, no matter what you have applied, it will be denied automatically.

b. Spouse of LPR (lawful permanent resident) is under family preference (F2A), which has a waiting time of 18 months. In order to wait for a visa in the U.S., you must have a valid nonimmigrant status.

2. You will be subject to 10-year ban and permanent revocation of your ESTA.

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